
09 Nov 2012 | pixar, phil's-osophy



Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration, and 2% attention to detail.

I Wrote You

20 Oct 2012 | ruby sparks

I wrote you.
I made you up.
I had a dream about a girl. So I wrote it down.
I gave her a name. Ruby.
I wrote all kinds of things about her and then one day I woke up and she – You were living in my house.
I can make you do anything… because you’re not real.


Howard Place

20 Oct 2012 | hollywood

Boardwalk Empire: Resolution

Boardwalk Empire: Resolution

Elementary: Child Predator

Elementary: Child Predator

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man

[update] Howard Place, Brooklyn, New York.

Empire Business

27 Aug 2012 | breaking bad

Mike Ehrmantraut:

Now, as far as you’re concerned, they are ghosts. You don’t see them. You don’t hear them. You don’t say “good morning.” You don’t speak unless you’re spoken to. On the other hand, if they tell you to jump, you don’t ask what for, you jump. Now, you need a name for them? You call them “yes, sir” and “no, sir.”

What is happening? Do you know?

10 Aug 2012 | rome, the raid

Alison Willmore:

There’s a sliver of a plot to The Raid, but it’s really not worth going over – when the characters pause to talk, which is rare, it does tend to kill the film’s momentum.

So, what is happening? No idea. When in doubt, attack!

Looking down ladies' tops.

10 Aug 2012 | pirates band of misfits, privacy

Coupling’s Steve Taylor:

When Man invented fire, he didn’t say “Hey, let’s cook!” He said: “Great! Now we can see naked bottoms in the dark!” As soon as Caxton invented the printing press we were using it to make pictures of - hey! - naked bottoms. We’ve turned the Internet into an enormous international database of… naked bottoms.

In the serious matter, from Ross Anderson’s Security Engineering:

No-one seems to have done any work on gender and security usability, yet reviews of work on gender psychology suggest many points of leverage [ … ] this material makes me suspect that many security mechanisms are far from gender-neutral. Is it unlawful sex discrimination for a bank to expect its customers to detect phishing attacks by parsing URLs?


10 Aug 2012 | community

Mind if I cut in?

Mind if I cut in?

Little Boxes

02 Jul 2012 | weeds

All made out of ticky-tacky. Missed cue for a graceful exit.

Jill Roberts:

I mean what am I supposed to do? Go to college? Grad school? Work? Look around we all live in public now, we’re all on the internet. How do you think people become famous anymore? You don’t have to achieve anything! You just gotta have fucked up shit happen to you.

The smart one lives.

04 Jun 2012 | game of thrones

Harold Weir:

You know, i had a friend that used to smoke. You know what he’s doing now? He’s dead.
You know who used to cut class? Jimi hendrix. You know what happened to him? He died, choking on his own vomit.
You know, there was a girl in our school. She had premarital sex. You know what she did on graduation day? Died. Of an overdose heroin.

Fair play to those who dare to dream.

04 Jun 2012 | crimson petal, markéta irglová, the wire


Besides, nothing in the world’s more expensive than “free”.

All Free Must Fly.

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