14 Mar 2018 | the oa
It is astonishing what DNA testing can do. The same technology can cleave families apart or knit them together.
03 Nov 2016 | 100blocksaday
I don’t want to think too far ahead because you’re never promised another day, you’re never promised another opportunity.
Maybe, more often than we can bear, the one thing we don’t want to accept is the one thing we need to: Sometimes the world fractures. It just does.
How you spend your time is evidence of where your hope lies.
03 Nov 2016 | the stand
Peter Sunde, interviewed by Joost Mollen:
Look at all the biggest companies in the world, they are all based on the internet. Look at what they are selling: nothing. Facebook has no product. Airbnb, the biggest hotel chain in the world, has no hotels. Uber, the biggest taxi company in the world, has no taxis whatsoever. The amount of employees in these companies are smaller than ever before and the profits are, in turn, larger. Apple and Google are passing oil companies by far. Minecraft got sold for $2.6 billion and WhatsApp for like $19 billion. These are insane amounts of money for nothing. That is why the internet and capitalism are so in love with each other.
We need a better way of regulating new technologies. That’s going to require bridging the gap between technologists and policymakers. Each needs to understand the other – not enough to be experts in each other’s fields, but enough to engage in meaningful conversations and debates. That’s also going to require laws that are agile and written to be as technologically invariant as possible.
Also, Who lives, who dies, who decides when a self-driving car must kill?
03 Nov 2016 | minimalist, apple
Users are free to click around the Web until they encounter a link to a phishing website. Then everyone wants to know how to train the user not to click on suspicios links. But you can’t train users not to click on links when you’ve spent the past two decades teaching them that links are there to be clicked.
A good “simple” design will help users to understand what is actually going on, how a thing actually works.
03 Nov 2016 | the stand
Rep. Adam Putnam:
There was one van, maybe a press van, that was parked too close to the plane’s wing. I remember a Secret Service agent running down the aisle; they opened the back stairs, he ran down to move the truck. He never made it back on board. They didn’t wait for him.
Col. Mark Tillman:
I went down to the tarmac to see about having the plane refueled. We could carry 14 hours of fuel. I wanted 14 hours of fuel. I was worried that they weren’t going to have enough fuel trucks, but it turned out we’d happened to park over a hot refueling tank they used for bombers. This civilian is arguing with our crew, “The fuel pits are only authorized for use in time of war.” This Air Force master sergeant—God bless him—overhears this and roars, “We are at war!” He whips out his knife and starts cutting open the cover. That defines to me what the day was like.
I also remember the day Osama died, there were no transcendent moments.
[via Garrett M. Graff, Politico]
03 Nov 2016 | the stand
of The Internet Of Things™, where your fire alarm and baby monitor won’t work because internet. Here’s what happens to a British city when it loses all electricity for days.
We no longer have things with computers embedded in them. We have computers with things attached to them.
The better the automatic systems, the more out-of-practice human operators will be, and the more extreme the situations they will have to face.
Also, Krebs DDOS, Dyn DDOS.
[via @mikko]
03 Nov 2016 | obscure sorrow
One day, you’re gonna look around and you’re going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.
We don’t have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life.
03 Nov 2016 | love does
In our travels in West Africa we have often found the people who have the least will offer you the most.
If you want to know what someone is like, look at how they treat people who can do nothing for them.
There are two challenges here. The first is that in a connection economy, the idea that others need to be in coach for you to be in first doesn’t scale very well. And the second, in the words of moms everywhere: Life is more fun when you don’t compare.
03 Nov 2016 | minimalist
Learn how to work quietly. Basically if you’re not supposed to make noise and are, you’re increasing the risk of breaking or fucking something up.
Music on top of noise is just more noise - a bit like perfume on a bad smell.
Also, Loudness war, Millennial Whoop, and the hum that helps to fight crime.
03 Nov 2016 | captain fantastic
Our Constitution demands that a minimum 0f 60 percent of Bhutan’s total land shall remain under forest cover for all time.
A surprising idea won the heart and minds: we would reboot the country, and that second republic would have no army.
We made that decision permanent in the new constitution.