Mother of moths

20 Aug 2024 | this is how

[via r/HumansBeingBros]:

I just decided to let my hand out. But I had no idea what I was about to get myself into.

Bob Ross:

Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.


Also, Quantum Kevin.

Relax in your love.

20 Dec 2023 | daily hope

True humility is not thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less. Appreciation means to increase in value. The ministry of appreciation raises the value of people. Love is more than a feeling or an emotion. It is a decision about how we treat one another.

Loyal, discreet, and reliable.

11 Dec 2023 | daily hope

Gossip is when you are sharing information and you are neither part of the problem, nor part of the solution. Be loyal to those who are not present. In doing so, you will build the trust of those who are present.

Efficient, organised, and practical.

11 Dec 2023 | daily hope

There are hundreds of killjoys in life, but the two most common are an unbalanced schedule and unused talent. Failure is not being unable to do something, failure is being unwilling to do something. We are much less likely to fall into temptation when we are fully occupied and in the right place.

Vision has been defined as a combination of a deep dissatisfaction with what is and a clear grasp of what could be. Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible. Faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly waits for it.

You're stuck with you

07 Mar 2022 | bitchkram


Sometimes, when you’re feeling helpless, the secret is to help someone else.


Saints become martyrs before they get to be heroes.

And so you have to get ok with you.

I just pay what I want?

20 Oct 2021 | hollywood

Carl Icahn, in The Secret IRS Files by ProPublica:

There’s a reason it’s called income tax. The reason is if, if you’re a poor person, a rich person, if you are Apple – if you have no income, you don’t pay taxes.

Meanwhile in Denmark:

The government sends you the tax form with all the info already there and you just spend like 15-20 mins double checking to make sure it’s right and voilà, done.

[via @jordan_stratton]

Being afraid to ask for help.

20 Oct 2021 | static


Carina DeLuca:

You listen to the people that know what to do and let them help you. That’s it.

Emma Borgès:

Because, the more you blow people off, the less they’ll be there for you when you really need them. And, then, you’ll be alone.

Meanwhile in China:

when Chinese officials “describe the solution to a problem, that’s how you find out what went wrong.”

I usually just end up avoiding the task then.

Omit needless words

26 Aug 2021 | this is how


As always, when it came to speaking and attempting to engage another’s affections, circumstances doomed me to striving and anxiety.


I speak when there’s something to say and expect to be listened to. Some people speak as a performance and don’t understand why others don’t perform the same way. When there’s constant talking, information is not exchanged because talking just becomes constant empty noise.

Raymond Holt:

True friends sit in silence. Small talk is for both: Strangers and con men.

[via @gruber]

es geht

18 Nov 2020 | the state of harmony

Malcolm Gladwell:

He knew he needed to do a better job of navigating the world, but he didn’t know how.
He’d had to make his way alone, and no one ever makes it alone.

Dr. Lemont:

Pain is part of life. It doesn’t stop when you go. You just pass it on to those you’ve left behind.

[via /u/meowiyerd]

Cause no one knows how anyone else feels.

18 Nov 2020 | bitchkram


Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.

Andrew Bosworth:

Being kind is fundamentally about taking responsibility for your impact on the people around you. It requires you be mindful of their feelings and considerate of the way your presence affects them.

Also, Clueyness: A Weird Kind of Sad.

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