Life is about more than just salary. It's about perks.

27 Feb 2013 | the office

Don Melton:

The truth is I was done. I accomplished far more there than I expected. And I had no dreams of greater power and glory, if such a thing were available to me. When I looked inside myself, I didn’t see ambition or even drive to continue. I’m not sure how that happened. Maybe I was just tired.

Colonel Nicholson:

But there are times when suddenly you realize you’re nearer the end than the beginning. And you wonder, you ask yourself, what the sum total of your life represents. What difference your being there at any time made to anything.


It’s like when they realized it was gonna be too expensive to actually build cyborgs and robots. I mean, the costs of that were impossible. They decided to just let humans turn themselves into robots. That’s what’s going on right now. They’re billions of us just laying around, not really doing anything. We don’t cost anything. We’re even pretty good at self-maintenance and reproducing constantly. And as it turns out, we’re already biologically programmed for our little cyborg upgrades.

And so it goes with God.

27 Feb 2013 | life of pi

Antonius Block, Death; The Seventh Seal:

I want knowledge! Not faith, not assumptions, but knowledge. I want God to stretch out His hand, uncover His face and speak to me. But He remains silent.

After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.


01 Feb 2013 | quiet

Charlie Kelmeckis:

I know I’m quiet. And I know I should speak more. But if you knew the things that were in my head most of the time you’d know what it really meant.

Alex Dunphy:

I mean, once you start overachieving, people expect things from you. You know, the world, teachers, parents, other kids. … It’s hard being me.

Susan Cain:

That’s just your style. Other people have different styles. But this is yours. You like to take your time and be sure.

Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait de mes jambes?

23 Jan 2013 | rust and bone

Oh well, hi, hey there, hello.

15 Jan 2013 | privacy, the mowgli's

Danny Sullivan:

Consider me. Not only have I not liked my electrician, my plumber, my dentist, my doctor or my tax person on Facebook but I don’t even know if they have Facebook pages. I have nothing to offer to my Facebook friends in this regard.

Judith Fairfield:

Unlike you, I’m not from the “let me tell you every sick, sordid detail of my life” generation. I value discretion. I loathe self-pity.

And so I watch Paranormal Activity 4, I feel it need more silent and contemplation, but I won’t unlike it on Facebook.

because nobody should be alone in a dark place

13 Jan 2013 | the state of harmony


Aaron Swartz:

Perhaps you cry. You feel worthless. You wonder whether it’s worth going on. Everything you think about seems bleak — the things you’ve done, the things you hope to do, the people around you. You want to lie in bed and keep the lights off. Depressed mood is like that, only it doesn’t come for any reason and it doesn’t go for any either. Go outside and get some fresh air or cuddle with a loved one and you don’t feel any better, only more upset at being unable to feel the joy that everyone else seems to feel.

Cory Doctorow:

I do wonder about this morning, and that I hope you’ll think about, too. I don’t know for sure whether Aaron understood that any of us, any of his friends, would have taken a call from him at any hour of the day or night. I don’t know if he understood that wherever he was, there were people who cared about him, who admired him, who would get on a plane or a bus or on a video-call and talk to him.

[via @brucegelhorn1]

If your words are less important than silence, keep quiet.

18 Dec 2012 | the class

Kim Simon:

Asking children who can barely spell their names what it felt like to have the trajectory of their life changed in a single morning. How the fuck do you think it feels?

Frank, God Bless America:

But that’s not the edge. That’s what sells. They couldn’t possibly pander any harder or be more commercially mainstream because this is the “oh, no, you didn’t say that” generation where a shocking comment has more weight then the truth. No one has any shame anymore. And we’re supposed to celebrate it.

Hangman is great. It teaches you that by saying the wrong things you could end someone’s life.


01 Dec 2012 | piracy

Timothy B. Lee:

And while BitTorrent and Megaupload get all the attention, Biddle notes that there are other file-sharing techniques that the government is never going to stop. “Teenagers and twenty-somethings I know routinely will go over to a friend’s house with a terabyte drive to swap stuff,” he said. They choose the “sneakernet” approach less out of fear of liability than because it’s so convenient. “You can have a ton of content on a terabyte drive,” he noted.

“I’m now finding that for some kinds of content, the illegal is clearly outperforming legal,” Biddle said. “That blows me away. I pay for premium cable. It’s easier to use BitTorrent to watch Game of Thrones. HBO Go is trying very hard to do a good job,” he said, but the user experience just isn’t as good. Because HBO Go is a streaming service, he said, it’s more vulnerable to network congestion than simply downloading the entire episode from the darknet.

Megan McArdle:

This argument is both ludicrous, and wrong. Ludicrous, because if piracy is actually wrong, it doesn’t get less wrong simply because you can’t have the product exactly when and where you want it at a price you wish to pay. You are not entitled to shoplift Birkin bags on the grounds that they are ludicrously overpriced, and you cannot say you had no alternative but to break into an the local ice cream parlor at 2 am because you are really craving some Rocky Road and the insensitive bastards refused to stay open 24/7 so that you could have your favorite sweet treat whenever you want. You are not forced into piracy because you can’t get a television show at the exact moment when you want to see it; you are choosing piracy.


30 Nov 2012 | bourne legacy


I can’t work in an office. I don’t like wearing suits. I like to ride. Fixed gear, steel frame, no brakes. The bike cannot coast. The pedals never stop turning. Can’t stop. Don’t want to either.

Also, I wonder, how does the batpod’s wheel spin?

You need to stop and think it through.

26 Nov 2012 | homeland

Until we know for sure, everyone’s a terrorist.

David Kushner:

Chaney found what he was looking for on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB). After punching in the pet’s name, he watched in awe as the star’s private e-mails poured down his smudgy PC screen.

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